onsdag 8 augusti 2012

Hi guys

Its been awhile.... Been busy.... been hammered with textbooks, journals, and more textbooks..... Tired is the only word I can describe my life as of now.

But the questions then is, is it worth it still? HELL Yeah!! I cannot picture myself as anything else than a Dr of Chiropractic. The road has been up and down and side to side, but I'm still here kicking :)

When I look back and see what I've accomplished, its pretty amazing, all the things I've learned and all the new people I have met, is just wonderful! I've also managed to cross the edge to a new decade of my life... 30.... imagine that aye, not old, just a bit more experienced.... I think tho that in my head I'm not older than 15, sad but true ;) To be humble is a virtue they say, and they are probably right! As a youngster I cant say I've always been humble, but by getting older and realizing that people are fragile and whatever we say will affect and effect people's minds and emotions. Most people of this world are not evil and most of us would never want to hurt anyone else, but it happens, its life! And life is not about being perfect its about learning from mistakes, failure is never fatal, its just another step closer to the goal!

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can do what others can't" (Unknown) I love that statement! Believe in yourself guys, and you will reach the goals of your dreams! I'm living mine now, and i must say I so much enjoy it :)

Hopefully we will talk a bit sooner the next time! Until then, I will share a picture with you, its from my Bodybuilding comp in Gothenburg. On stage 76kg, no drugs, clean!!! Why did I do this? Because someone told me it cant be done without drugs! I think they were wrong ;)

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